
Showing posts from 2016

The White owl

The white owl is a totem animal that has often been associated with Magic. But there is another side to the white owl that some people don't see.  The White owl is also an ally for a healing and transmutation. Often times we may lose our way on this path we call life and when we wander off we can feel lost.  When this happens times may even seem dark.  But this is the best time for this spirit ally to be called on.   This Ally is willing to lend it's Eyes, Ears and wings when you find yourself on those scary misadventures. My Experience with this guide has been and interesting one that has brought my practice to new levels. Over the course of my training I have encountered this wonderful Ally and each time I have learned something new about myself.  This ally has been a wonderful teacher and continues to show me new things that have allowed me to spread my wings in times that have been somewhat scary for me.  I love the energy of the whi...

A Fellowship for Trance Channels

Our First fellowship meeting for Trance Channels starts this Sunday in Romeoville Illinois. If you are a Trance channel that wants to make a Difference please send message me for more details. The Topic we are covering is Ascension and the collective consciousness.