A Doorway to a Blissful Existence.

First of all it has been awhile since I have logged my thoughts and my Path has been truly Amazing I have been in sort of a Metaphysical Catacomb of sorts and just really withdrawing from all contact. But the one thing that has really been my Yoga Practice. I have been training to be a Yoga instructor through the Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago and must say it has been a truly Amazing experience so far.
I am quite impressed with all the instructors and my transformation into a Yogi is just starting to take hold of my very being. I have been looking for a Physical outlet to enjoy my Athletic abilities and my over abundance of Energy. However  lately it seems that I have been lacking this Energy and sort of in a funk. However this weekends Yoga experience has really put me back in touch with that warrior spirit I thought I lost through my Metaphysical practice.

 I almost thought I lost this warrior spirit within me , that is until I found Yoga. Not only is Yoga alive within me but thrives on the very essence of the warrior within and Yet promotes the existence of plurality and peace from within.

It seems to be carrying me onto another adventure that I have not yet seen for myself and my inner truth is starting to reveal itself in a way that I could not have imagined for myself.

 By becoming a Yogi I am adopting a lifestyle that is not only Healthy and active but satisfies my Spirit in a way that I can only begin to comprehend. Not only is Metaphysics apart of this Lifestyle there is the Separation of what we perceive to be truth and what really is true.

Another concept of Yoga is Kundalini. Kundalini is Vital to our existence and is the vital life force energy that creates and and binds us together. It is such a strong force of Energy that when you wake it up you are going to know it, even if your at a stop light in rush hour traffic! This has Actually Happened to me while driving a Semi Truck and I was waiting at a stop light. I literally had to hold on to something because I was really going somewhere!

 So where is this Kundalini?
It has been know by gurus to be located in the Tailbone or more specifically the Coccyx bone. There are many ways to awaken this Kundalini and one of the most effective ways is by becoming a Oneness Blessing giver and then perform the Chakra Dyhana . If you don't have the liberty of becoming a Oneness Blessing giver then you can still do the meditation or Asana I just mentioned.

 This powerful Meditation was designed by the  Disciples of the Oneness University and can be carried out by many of the Certified Blessing Givers and with great results. It is very powerful  Meditations when done in Large groups and because the energy of large group combines it makes a more powerful experience. 

The point is that Kundalini is quite accessible to everyone regardless of your Spiritual practice.

So Why do you want to awaken your Kundalini?

 The simple answer is why not? It is your Birth Right! It is fun and feels really good once you get it going. Not only does it feel good. Kundalini opens up doorways to a life of divine Zenful  Existence and Higher states of consciousness. This  means life becomes more pleasurable and that includes  but is not limited to sex.  Besides you may want to do this in a more suitable environment and not have the same experience like I did in Rush hour traffic, unless of course your trying to give some excitement to your morning commute

But really there is more to Kundalini than just a Zenful existence there are the other wonderful effects that come with it. We all are born with special gifts and some of us are quite in tune with them and others not so much. When I say gifts I am talking about intuitive abilities. I am not just talking about Psychic abilities I am referring to advance cognitive capabilities. The ability to think on a higher levels of comprehension. There have been many cases of people who have reached these states of existence and have rambled off the deepest more profound thoughts and we call these people Enlightened or awakened beings. The truth is that that we can all reach this super elevated state of cerebral nirvana  by awakening our Kundalini.

If your interested in having this Great experience and would like to host this life changing experience  Please contact me at MyGreenKharma @gmail.com. I am a certified Oneness Blessing giver and will facilitate this life changing experience for you and your group.


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