Universal truths and the Sacred divine within

 Hello you may recall from my previous post. There many truths. Our truths may not coincide with each other and relates to our own inner perception and the state of being that we find ourselves at the particular time.

   We should all consider the state of being that we come from when we share our truths with others. Are we coming from a sense of unconditional love or are we coming from a sense of Domination? This is where we impose our truths on others. This is very important to consider for all of the children of light. 

  When we are caught up in or own sense of truth and disregard the the Sacred Journey of others we then, in fact are imposing our own will on others. We should always consider the Sacred journey of others and realize that others may be at a different stages of consciousness. Make no mistake that there are different levels of Ascension for those around you and when we honor that journey within all others we are truly honoring the divine within all the children of light. 

   We are not here to intimidate nor impose our will however we are all here to learn about these multiple aspects which, some of you may call duality or learning. These are the suggested rules to follow, learn as much as you can so you may continue on the Ascension process.

What is this Ascension process? It is a process in which we Spiritually and physically come closer to the light within our own Divine self. The process in which we reveal to ourselves the Sacred beings that we truly are. It is in this process that we become more like the Divine and reach the states of consciousness that some of you desire. It is in this process that we reach the Separation of the so called ego!

-Be Blessed!-



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