Spirituality versus Faith

Chaneled by 
-Angel Miguel De Hoyos Kolek-

    We are truly connected and it is a matter of whether we want this divine connection to exists on a more expansive level.

    While dimensions exist in consciousness there is a great potential to coexist in several while focusing in on just one dimension. 

We  will just merely elaborate on the concept of belief system. The belief system however limited Is only limited  by the person's will to expand in their current state of being.  
It deals with neither the present nor future it merely sets the limitation of what one is willing to experience. 

   So there are many beliefs systems that  can cause a person to feel unconnected to the divine source we all call God , Budah Jesus or Allah. Well  there are so many different belief systems that one can hardly know which to consider to be best this is why we have considered that matter of Spituality in great  detail.
   So as not to give one the false belief  that one religion over the other is best. So we must in fact detail what is the best method of understanding the connection to sourse as a viable means to understand one's own divinity.

 We must in fact be honest that when we say Source we are actually reffering to the all encompasing energy that surrounds us and lifts us into a more connected sense of  being . There is more to discuss about this later. 

    However we must continue on in detail about the Matter of Spirituality versus Faith or what others may call religion when we tap into source it takes  bit of practice . We are all simply connected however we must be mindfull that such a connection takes a bit of effort and take practice to achieve after all we are intended to experience separate dimensions to lead us to believe that we are not connected to source only to be reconnected through our own self realizations. 

   The ultmate goal in fact is to learn this and then reach in and reconnect back to our divine connection that leads us to the divine light. Ultimately when we achieve this we become a masters of this connection and then this can lead us to another form of spirituality this spirituality then allows us to reach within and even go to the limits of what we have set for ourselves.   and then this allows us  to reach further and change our belief systems as we increase our connection to source. 

   So to further elaborate even though we are all connected to source our connections vary. And this can mean the difference between walking on water and not being able to create what we call an extraordinary connection to the divine . 

    When we have an extraordinary connection to the divine we are able to move  moutains  and allows ourselves to perceive these altered states of consciousness. In this manner we can also expand our consciousness and absolutely change our dimension at the will as we see fit to learn and transform our belief systems. 

 In regards to transformation we are merely going to say that it is more than shifting the belief systems of what governs our perceptions of what we call logic in fact with this shift you will be able to redefine what it is you call logic and more can come of these transformations. whence these transformation happen your will not only make another sacred journey to the depths of your own soul but the reaches of the consciousness. 

So much more is available to you when your are able to transcend through these dimensions of consciousness and when you see more of this you to will understand this. There so much more available to access through the states of lucid existence and when you can achieve these states of consciousness you will in turn be able to raise you vibratory signatures.

 If this shift causes discomfort it is because it is somewhat of a jolt due to the increase in vibratory energy, Since this increase causes a shift in consciousness so to will you feel it in all dimensions of existence and this is why it may cause some discomfort. However this may be quite the best part. 

   When we are as they say shifting then this is the time for spiritual growth and can lead you to a more divine experience when we see ourselves as expanding on different dimension then we are able to control some of the belief systems that we once perceived to be truths. This in turn not only provides spiritual growth but is the part where soul growth becomes imminent . 

    So as they say nothing ventured nothing gained and the more we dive in to our state of consciousness the more we are able to reap these benefits and this is where the changes not only take place but become permanent and since we are dimensional beings we are able to continue our Investigations of the truth of what make us so unique and yet so connected. 

 Then when we are in this state of being then this is  what some would call the enlightened self. Many more times than none we are called to assist with this divine awakening of mass proportions then it is more of an understatement to say that it is a calling to perform a task. But more of an agreement which one has and about to to do. When this agreement is reached and called for the agreement can be fulfilled and of course the laws of karma will prevail and when the agreements are fulfilled much of the others things fall in into perspective.

then it is more of an understatement  when we are given the opportunity to make this shift 

we will know then it is time this of course is a matter of free will if we decide to pursue these callings.When e answer these callings then we are truly assisted by the  divine. 

    So there must be another state of being and this is what we call the state we know as the and the present moment. Realities are but a mere concept  and to experience as the truth oneself changes sp does the reality of the practioner  so as to be in harmony with oneself one must systematically call in to focus their intentions.  Intentions are the primary focus for manifesting ones own world. The more we intend the more in harmony we are with ourselves.  When learn the true source of our intentions then we are more in balance with our sense of  being. When we fails to make our intentions clear then we are not only creating disharmony within ourselves we are also creating a resonance that will carry over into the physical. 
So more time than less it will be better to establish  a clear connection with the source of you intentions to be more in alignment with the ....

 Be Blessed Children of the Light!


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