My Amazing weekend

My Amazing weekend As some of you know I have been multitasking. I am currently creating a Huna program, to share with all of you in Illinois. I have also been learning to be a Yoga instructor and learning to work with Psychic children. A s some of you may know or not know the consciousness of the planet has been progressively shifting. More and more people are starting to become aware of their Extra sensory abilities and special healing abilities. Some of you may consider this as being Psychic, I assure you that being psychic is quite normal. Alot of the adults today in there late 30's are what we call Indigo and are not even aware of it.These are the children of what we call the Baby boomers. These adults are highly evolved, conscious beings that have appeared in mass numbers to instigate a mass global change. By no means is this instigation going to be peaceful. In some case it can be destructive to the current system that is already in place. Make ...