There are many truths.


Sometimes Vulnerability and Authenticity can be our greatest strength. When we are vulnerable we are open and willing to receive unconditionally. This is not to be confused with gullibility. Vulnerability is like being naked and instead of being uncomfortable be Ok with it.
In Authenticity we fear no judgment and we are in our most Natural state of being. It is in this place where we are truly exposed and everyone can see us for who we really are. This Authentic self is who we really are. It is the Natural self that stands out more than any mask we may hide behind and may get us more attention. It is this attention that brings us more love in our lives and rewards us with more self-respect.  
For the insecure the attention gained from being or true self may be very difficult to adjust too. However if we are loving ourselves enough then we can be more open and receptive to those around us without fear of judgment.
When we honor the authentic self we honor or truth within our hearts.  We enter into vulnerability through honesty and Gratitude. It is these vehicles which can propel us in this state of being and we are most authentic in these vehicles of Ascension. 

  However true this may be for me my truth may not be your truth. There are many truths for everyone. Every person's truth is a reflection of their inner journeys. That is why there are so many truths in our current dimension which we call our reality.  But that is what makes life so much more diverse and challenging.

Be Blessed!


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