Busy weekend

I have been very busy this weekend with learning how to work with Psychic children and becoming a Yoga instructor. I am very Happy to have taken on these  projects on because I feel they will fulfill me spiritually and assist me in becoming a Great Therapist and Practitioner

Perhaps my ego was inflated or perhaps it was my strong desire to lose weight and get back in shape again. Becoming a Yoga instructor is not some easy task! Amidst the wailing and sweaty groans a Yoga instructor must emerge from this Teacher training program. If this is going to happen there is  exercising and discipline that needs to happen.
I used to train people to exercise in the Military and help them get ready for Basic Training,  but I never had to contort my body into so many different shapes and interesting patterns. This program has humbled me and I have had to ponder what I just signed up for. As a result some higher thoughts have come to my mind and would like to share.

 "Yoga as described before is a tool for the practitioner to reach the Altered states of consciousness. It is merely a tool to achieve the enlightened states of being. When we practice Yoga it is a key or a portal to to open these states of being for many of you this will be your tools for awakening the Divine within. But always be certain that Yoga as tool is more than that just a tool. It is a process of healing and for some a process to give thanks and honor the divine. There is more to Yoga than simply posing it is a way to reach a balance from within and to bring Harmony to the chaos that we call life."
 Make no mistake my poses may not look as pretty as some of the other practitioners but my Yoga is a vehicle in which I the practitioner can travel and heal myself or the world around me.  My Yoga style may not represent everyone else's style but it represents me in this present moment in where I am spiritually and physically. My Yoga will change and evolve.

 This weekend I have also been learning to work with Psychic Children and it has been a very powerful experience.After taking this class I have learned that there are many types of Psychic children in the world today and  they are indirectly and directly shifting the consciousness of our world today. This includes the Indigo Children, Crystal Children and Rainbow children.  I will cover these topics actually in my next blog and why everyone should know why these children are so important.



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