
Showing posts from 2015

Authenticity and Spirituality

Authenticity and Spirituality It  important to express to the children of light that authenticity is your greatest strength  and that we should be able to shine our lights when we are in our most authentic states we are more connected to the Divine. It is in our most connected states that we are reaching from within our truest self when we express from our heart we are more vulnerable yet more powerful. You are the manifestations of the divine.  It is your will that allows you to be this in its purest forms. So in regards to religious expression . We must always allow ourselves to be flexible and yet be authentic in our beliefs as a person. To be flexible with these beliefs allows us the room to grow and expand our consciousness. So we must always honor our truest self by allowing ourselves to change perspectives. -Be Blessed-

Free online event by Green Karma LLC

Hello my name is Angel   I am a certified Bon Jhankri practioner of Vajrakiliya Tantra. Bon Jhankri is a healing practice that predates ancient Tantric Hinduism and is used in Healing. I am creating this Remote Blessing ceremony especially for Spiritual practioners and anyone with an open Heart.     This Deeksha ceremony is to help bestow upon everyone the Divine Grace from the Goddess Mahakali and the Divine Blessings of her consort Makala (also known as Shiva). During this Blessing you may experience Divine Bliss and may experience a divine connection to the Goddess in which will clear out your chakras and free your spirit and your Divine Kundalini Energy. In addition you will be blessed with a spiritual a ... wakening that will elevate your state of consciousness and assist you with material abundance and a happy family!     During this Blessing it is best to have about 30 minutes set aside for processing and integration of this Bliss...

Universal truths and the Sacred divine within

 Hello you may recall from my previous post. There many truths. Our truths may not coincide with each other and relates to our own inner perception and the state of being that we find ourselves at the particular time.    We should all consider the state of being that we come from when we share our truths with others. Are we coming from a sense of unconditional love or are we coming from a sense of Domination? This is where we impose our truths on others. This is very important to consider for all of the children of light.    When we are caught up in or own sense of truth and disregard the the Sacred Journey of others we then, in fact are imposing our own will on others. We should always consider the Sacred journey of others and realize that others may be at a different stages of consciousness. Make no mistake that there are different levels of Ascension for those around you and when we honor that journey within all others we are truly honoring the divine ...

A Doorway to a Blissful Existence.

First of all it has been awhile since I have logged my thoughts and my Path has been truly Amazing I have been in sort of a Metaphysical Catacomb of sorts and just really withdrawing from all contact. But the one thing that has really been my Yoga Practice. I have been training to be a Yoga instructor through the Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago and must say it has been a truly Amazing experience so far. I am quite impressed with all the instructors and my transformation into a Yogi is just starting to take hold of my very being. I have been looking for a Physical outlet to enjoy my Athletic abilities and my over abundance of Energy. However  lately it seems that I have been lacking this Energy and sort of in a funk. However this weekends Yoga experience has really put me back in touch with that warrior spirit I thought I lost through my Metaphysical practice.  I almost thought I lost this warrior spirit within me , that is until I found Yoga. Not only is Yoga alive with...

My Amazing weekend

  My Amazing weekend As some of you know I have been multitasking. I am currently creating a Huna program, to share with all of you in Illinois. I have also been learning to be a Yoga instructor and learning to work with Psychic children. A s some of you may know or not know the consciousness of the planet has been progressively shifting. More and more people are starting to become aware of their Extra sensory abilities and special healing abilities. Some of you may consider this as being Psychic, I assure you that being psychic is quite normal. Alot of the adults today in there late 30's are what we call Indigo and are not even aware of it.These are the children of what we call the Baby boomers.  These adults are highly evolved, conscious beings that have appeared in mass numbers to instigate a mass global change. By no means is this instigation going to be peaceful. In some case it can be destructive to the current system that is already in place. Make ...

Busy weekend

I have been very busy this weekend with learning how to work with Psychic children and becoming a Yoga instructor. I am very Happy to have taken on these  projects on because I feel they will fulfill me spiritually and assist me in becoming a Great Therapist and Practitioner Perhaps my ego was inflated or perhaps it was my strong desire to lose weight and get back in shape again. Becoming a Yoga instructor is not some easy task! Amidst the wailing and sweaty groans a Yoga instructor must emerge from this Teacher training program. If this is going to happen there is  exercising and discipline that needs to happen. I used to train people to exercise in the Military and help them get ready for Basic Training,  but I never had to contort my body into so many different shapes and interesting patterns. This program has humbled me and I have had to ponder what I just signed up for. As a result some higher thoughts have come to my mind and would like to share.  "Yog...

Yoga instructor Training

I'm very much enjoyed the yoga convention Saturday at the Greater Chicago Hindu Temple and was very impressed with all the Gurus that showed up. I have noticed that my Energy has started to change and noticed that I am now running Yoga Energy. It feels different. I am very lucky to have found such a great Temple to learn Yoga from. I learned that Yoga is more than just doing the Yoga poses. It is about Sacred space that is created within oneself and that connection to the Divine that we hold within us. It is a lifestyle for some and a Healing modality for others. Yoga is what you want it to be and so much more. I realized that I did not really truly understand Yoga. I am so open and willing to learn more about this Modality.

There are many truths.

    Sometimes Vulnerability and Authenticity can be our greatest strength. When we are vulnerable we are open and willing to receive unconditionally. This is not to be confused with gullibility. Vulnerability is like being naked and instead of being uncomfortable be Ok with it. In Authenticity we fear no judgment and we are in our most Natural state of being. It is in this place where we are truly exposed and everyone can see us for who we really are. This Authentic self is who we really are. It is the Natural self that stands out more than any mask we may hide behind and may get us more attention. It is this attention that brings us more love in our lives and rewards us with more self-respect.   For the insecure the attention gained from being or true self may be very difficult to adjust too. However if we are loving ourselves enough then we can be more open and receptive to those around us without fear of judgment. Wh...